Life at Shalem
While the excitement of being a Shalem student is primarily about the action-packed beis medrash and intense classes (of course!), our students do also do all kinds of other cool stuff. Here's some of what happens in and out of school.
In the recording studio
Rabbi Dukhovny arranged Yonatan Razel's version of VeHi SheAmda for the students, who practiced away and eventually recorded the arrangement at the studio of our very own Mr. Goldberg!
Vocals - Zusya Brodskiy
Keyboard - Natan Kleper
Violin - Yasha Lagun
Pennywhistle 1 - Avichai Fohrman
Pennywhistle 2 - Reuven Shif
Flute - Dov Dukhovny
Recorded and produced June 2022 at Gold Recordings in Milpitas CA. Composed by Yonatan Razel, arranged by Dov Dukhovny.
At the fencing club
For their physical education this year, the Shalem students are lucky to be taught by world-class fencing coach Olga Petrova at Maximum Fencing in Mountain View. Here they are in action:
Oral Exams at the JSN
When the boys finished a murderously difficult Tosafos in perek HaMafkid, we took them over to the Jewish Study Network where they presented Tosafos from beginning to end to the kollel rabbis. Since they managed to pull it off, they were treated to a trip to Holy Sushi.
The Annual Shalem School Simchas Beis HaShoeva
Shalem hosts a Simchas Beis HaShoeva every year for the broader community at Emek Beracha in Palo Alto. Our talented musical faculty and some of our students provide music, and Yehudis Dukhovny takes care of setup and refreshments. Below is a (pre-dancing) clip from 2022's event. Marian Concus on flute, Scott Goldberg on guitar, Dov Dukhovny on keyboards, and student Yasha Lagun on violin.